Arksoil KKR
Growth stimulant Antistress.
Stimulates plant immunity
POWER SUPPLY ELEMENTS,%: N - 6-6,5, P2O5 - 3-4, K2O - 9-9,5, MG –1.0-3.0, CA - LESS than 0.5, FE - NOT MORE than 1, MN - NOT MORE than 1.5, CU –MORE than 1, ZN - MORE than 1, CO - MORE than 1
Indolyl acetic acid Indolyl acetic acid - (IAA, heteroauxin), the main hormone of auxin plants. Activates cell metabolism, promotes plant growth. participates in flowering plants, and therefore in the formation of further yield.
α-alanine - (2-aminopropanoic acid) is an aliphatic amino acid. α-Alanine is a component of many proteins, β-alanine is a part of a number of biologically active compounds. This is its main function in our preparation - it is necessary, as an amino acid for the rapid growth of a plant, and also acts as a stimulator of plant immunity.
α-glutamic acid - (2-aminopentane acid) - an organic compound, aliphatic dicarboxylic amino acid. In a plant, glutamic acid is found in proteins, a number of low molecular weight substances and in free form. Glutamic acid plays an important role in nitrogen metabolism. It neutralizes the excess ammonia entering the plants or formed during the breakdown of proteins and at the same time they are a reserve of dicarboxylic amino acids necessary for transamination reactions. This is a function of growth and stress relief for the plant.
Poly-beta-hydroxybutyric acid - (also β-hydroxybutyrate, β-hydroxybutyric acid, abbr. BOMK) is a monobasic carboxylic hydroxy acid. Strengthens the immune system of plants, their natural ability to resist diseases. Due to immunization, it has a weak healing and pronounced preventive effect. This stimulates the growth of plants, laying new shoots and buds. Activation of various enzymes also causes the synthesis of salicylic acid, which immunizes plants. Tissues acquire non-specific resistance to pathogens (systemic acquired resistance). In addition to the immunizing effect, acid contributes to the accelerated laying of the generative organs and shoots of plants, but also enters a radical part of the soil in a significant amount. This leads to changes among microorganisms. The number of pathogenic microorganisms decreases, which means it also acts as a systemic fungicide.
Auxins and products of their metabolism - one of the most well-known growth stimulants of plants (shoots) of plants, stimulates apical dominance, the plant grows in phototropism (towards light), stimulates the growth of roots in gravitropism (growth down), high physiological activity. Thus, our drug affects cell growth in stretching phases, stimulates growth and differentiation of cells and plants as a whole, determines the interaction of individual organs, regulates correlative growth (to nutrition or light) helps the growth of adventitious roots, slows down the aging of the plant.
Brassinosteroids - steroids class phytohormones that support the normal functioning of the plant's immune system, especially in adverse conditions, for example, at low temperatures, frosts, flooding, drought, diseases, pesticides, salinization, etc. They can be called - stress adaptogens with strong growth-promoting activity. Contained in each plant cell in very small quantities. The concentration of the enzymes of the biosynthesis of brassinosteroids is highest in young plant tissues, which grow most rapidly. Phytoncides are biologically active substances formed by plants that kill or inhibit the growth and development of bacteria, microscopic fungi and protozoa.
Phytoncides are all volatile substances released by plants, including those that are practically impossible to collect in appreciable quantities. These phytoncides are also called "native antimicrobial substances of plants." Characteristic representatives of phytoncides are essential oils extracted from vegetable raw materials by industrial methods. According to the manufacturer (Tikhvin Eco Factory), our preparation contains volatile production of spruce and pine, i.e. have pronounced fungicidal properties.
Silicon in an accessible form for plants is the second most abundant chemical element in the earth's crust, but in a form accessible to plants, silicon contains very little. Silicon has a significant impact on the growth and development of plants, increases yields and improves product quality. At the same time, the positive effect of silicon is especially noticeable in plants under stress conditions. Silicon gives plants mechanical strength, strengthens the cell walls, providing the rigidity of the various organs of the plant. Silicon in optimal doses contributes to a better exchange in the tissues of nitrogen and phosphorus, increases the consumption of boron and a number of other elements; reduces the toxicity of excess amounts of heavy metals. Optimization of silicon nutrition of plants leads to an increase in leaf area. Under such conditions, the plants form stronger cell walls, as a result of which the danger of lodging of crops, as well as damage by their diseases and pests, is reduced. One of the important functions of the active forms of silicon is to stimulate the development of the root system. Studies on cereals, citrus fruits, vegetable crops and forage grasses have shown that with improved silicon nutrition of plants, the number of secondary and tertiary roots increases by 20–100%. The lack of silicon nutrition is one of the limiting factors in the development of the root system of plants. It is established that the optimization of silicon nutrition increases the efficiency of photosynthesis and the activity of the root system.
Application and compatibility with other drugs
Spraying of vegetative plants (in the morning or evening): the required amount of Arksoil KKR is dissolved in the required amount of water and mixed thoroughly. Spraying is carried out evenly, wetting the leaves. The working solution is used on the day of preparation. “Arksoil KKR” is compatible with most of the permitted pesticides (herbicides (insecticides and fungicides (including seed treatment)) and with mineral fertilizers. Treatment with the preparation can be carried out both root and foliar. Working solutions of combined preparations should be applied immediately after preparation and with the mixer running.
Safety measures during the work, transportation and storage
Toxicity class 3B. When working with the drug must comply with standard safety measures and personal hygiene. In case of accidental ingestion of the drug on the skin or in the eyes, rinse with water, and if it comes into the mouth, rinse. Wash face and hands with soap after work. If necessary, consult a poison control center: 129010, Moscow, Sukharevskaya Square, 3, Moscow Research Institute of Emergency Care. Sklifosovsky. Information and Consultative Toxicological Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia (working around the clock), telephone + 7-495-680-41-54. Special disinfection of containers and contaminated clothing is not required. Released bottles and shipping containers are disposed of with household waste in designated places. Transportation. The drug is transported by all modes of transport in accordance with the rules in force in this type of transport with mandatory protection from precipitation.
It is necessary to store "Arksoil KKR" in the dark, cool and dry, isolated room. The guaranteed shelf life of Arksoil KKR in unopened packaging of the manufacturer is 24 months, at a temperature of +1 to +25 C.